2. Consumer call to organize

Wildgrid and WeSolar decided to launch an initiative to help achieve three goals. First: In the wake of the 2024 presidential election, there was palpable momentum among environmental advocates to take action in support of climate solutions. Second: Leadership was in the midst of a big push to boost the number of solar projects in their development pipeline. Third: Wildgrid and WeSolar had recently joined forces under the parent organization Wildgrid.AI and needed a powerful moment to announce their partnership. The answer: we organized a grassroots “Solar Task Force,” encouraging their combined social media audience of over 18,000 followers to help bring solar projects to their local community. Here are the social and email assets I created to bring awareness to the campaign during the weeks following its launch.

3. event collateral to nurture sales

The biggest industry event of the year for many clean energy players, including Arcadia, is RE+. With over 40,000 international energy professionals in attendance, this conference is an important moment for Arcadia to succinctly yet comprehensively communicate their tech’s capabilities. In person meetings are one of the most powerful ways to deepen that understanding and foster productive relationships, which is why much of the creative work I produced for the conference relates to encouraging RE+ attendees to RSVP for Arcadia-sponsored or -moderated events and set up 1:1 meetings with Arcadia representatives. By facilitating these in-person moments, my work helped accelerate Arcadia’s impact at RE+ 2024 and beyond.