2. Consumer call to organize
Wildgrid and WeSolar decided to launch an initiative to help achieve three goals. First: In the wake of the 2024 presidential election, there was palpable momentum among environmental advocates to take action in support of climate solutions. Second: Leadership was in the midst of a big push to boost the number of solar projects in their development pipeline. Third: Wildgrid and WeSolar had recently joined forces under the parent organization Wildgrid.AI and needed a powerful moment to announce their partnership. The answer: we organized a grassroots “Solar Task Force,” encouraging their combined social media audience of over 18,000 followers to help bring solar projects to their local community. Here are the social and email assets I created to bring awareness to the campaign during the weeks following its launch.
To announce the launch of the Solar Task Force, the Wildgrid.AI cofounders went live from the Wildgrid Home and WeSolar Instagram accounts. Liked below are the post that helped promote this Live, followed by two powerful clips from the recording. I designed the promotional post in Figma and edited the recap videos in OpusClip.
Wildgrid and WeSolar also both had significant email audiences, which we strategically tapped for this launch. I wrote two respective versions of this email encouraging Solar Task Force signups, then designed and sent them in SendGrid.
In order to genuinely engage Wildgrid and WeSolar’s social audiences, content needed to be produced with their majority Gen Z and Millennial audience base in mind. That’s why these social videos — which I conceptualized, filmed, edited in CapCut, wrote for, and published — incorporate trending audio and trending format to help encourage viewers to sign up for the Solar Task Force.
3. event collateral to nurture sales
The biggest industry event of the year for many clean energy players, including Arcadia, is RE+. With over 40,000 international energy professionals in attendance, this conference is an important moment for Arcadia to succinctly yet comprehensively communicate their tech’s capabilities. In person meetings are one of the most powerful ways to deepen that understanding and foster productive relationships, which is why much of the creative work I produced for the conference relates to encouraging RE+ attendees to RSVP for Arcadia-sponsored or -moderated events and set up 1:1 meetings with Arcadia representatives. By facilitating these in-person moments, my work helped accelerate Arcadia’s impact at RE+ 2024 and beyond.
I created several LinkedIn media posts for Arcadia to publish in the weeks leading up to RE+ 2024, both promoting a session that an Arcadia leader was moderating and to encourage attendees to schedule meetings with Arcadia reps. I also put together a templated social share kit to facilitate posts published by Arcadia employees planning to attend RE+.
View the third post, promoting the panel moderated by an Arcadia leader.
View the fourth post, sharing the conference preview blog post I wrote.
View the fifth post, a final push to drive views to the pre-conference blog post.
View the social share kit that provided Arcadia employees with templated posts.
I wrote several groups of emails to promote Arcadia’s presence at RE+ 2024. As you’ll see, some of them were written to address Arcadia’s industry audience within the community solar sector, and the other emails were written for Arcadia’s utility data API platform audience. Many of the emails encourage attendees to schedule 1:1 meetings at the conference with Arcadia experts, and some of them also encourage attendees to go to Arcadia’s Happy Hour event and a session moderated by an Arcadia leader. I also wrote one email to be sent out by the RE+ team on behalf of Arcadia, as part of Arcadia’s sponsorship benefits. Finally, I wrote email templates for Arcadia’s sales team to individually send to their personal leads lists, promoting all the same CTAs detailed above.
Part of Arcadia’s marketing strategy leading up to RE+ 2024 included a blog post. It was meant to highlight the parts of the conference the Arcadia team was particularly looking forward to — including a panel moderated by an Arcadia leader. The post was also meant to showcase Arcadia’s tech capabilities and encourage readers to schedule 1:1 meetings with the Arcadia reps in attendance.